We are an eclectic, inclusive Pagan group who hold monthly moots (2nd Mondays), upstairs in THE BLACK SWAN, Peasholme Green, York (7.30 for 8pm start.)
Moots are usually in-person, though occasionally 'hybrid' (in-person and on Zoom at the same time), or even just on Zoom. There's generally a short talk (a 'speaker moot') followed by discussion and socialising.
We also have longer talks, rituals, social events, local camps and creative meet-ups.
Please note: all information is subject to change! We thank everyone for their patience and understanding as we flow with the times.
Latest information can be found on The Kith's Facebook page, on The Pagan Federation's website, or by emailing [email protected].
All are welcome who bring positive energies into the Circle.
Blessed Be. x

Parking is in the car park behind the pub or, if that's full, at nearby Sainsbury's Foss Islands. Smoking yard behind pub. Delicious food and the Thursday Folk Club are just some of the Black Swan's attractions (apart from us!) 15 minutes' walk from York train station; many bus routes nearby; taxi ranks at nearby St Saviourgate or in front of York Minster. Plenty of local restaurants, supermarkets and amenities.... And 5 minutes' walk from the centre of the beautiful, fascinating city of York!
Grateful thanks to The Black Swan for welcoming us back to our "birthplace" (as of 2018). Also to The Minster Inn and The Bay Horse (Marygate), The Golden Fleece and the previous management of The Black Swan, for hosting us in the past.
Grateful thanks to The Black Swan for welcoming us back to our "birthplace" (as of 2018). Also to The Minster Inn and The Bay Horse (Marygate), The Golden Fleece and the previous management of The Black Swan, for hosting us in the past.
Kith of the Earthen Star: who we are and what we do
We are a diverse group of people who share a desire to meet the Divine through Nature and connect with like-minded individuals, under the umbrella term of "contemporary Pagan spirituality".
HISTORY: The Kith was born around 2003 in The Black Swan, Peasholme Green, York, with an original team of organisers. Changes over the years saw us leave that venue and begin some years of "nomading", first to The Golden Fleece, then The Bay Horse and The Minster Inn in Marygate. In May 2018, we returned to our original Black Swan ("the cradle of our civilisation"!).
ORGANISATION: The Kith is organised by a friendly team of Admins, who aim for an inclusive, compassionate and comprehensive group. A set of Group Rules is in place for everyones' safety and protection, which all members are asked to read and respect. Members are welcome to post on the Facebook page, participate in events, and suggest ideas for them.
SPEAKER MOOTS: On the 2nd Monday of each month, the group meets upstairs in The Black Swan for "speaker moots" (short, informal talks from pre-arranged speakers, followed by discussions, Questions and Answers and socialising.)
Examples of Speaker moot topics have been:
Crystals; Grounding and Earthing;
Astrology; Energies;
Tarot; Samhain (Halloween) and the Ancestors;
Yule, history and folklore; The Magic of Water;
Spiritual and Personal Protection; The Goddess Brigantia;
Shamanism Past and Present; Herbs and Herb Wisdom;
Auras and Aura Photography; The Pagan Wheel of the Year;
Healing skills-shares; How to Improve Self-Knowledge;
Trees and Environmental Issues; The Pagan Federation;
The New Forest Witches;
..... and lots more!
Speaker Moots are preceded by Notices at 7.50pm, then at 8 all are invited to participate in the "Hearth Lighting", lighting a symbolic candle, wherever you are, to represent us all holding this sacred space together.
We may have a few opening words, eg a 'micro-teach', a prayer, a stilling, a poem or similar spiritual reflection, before the talk. After the talk and a bar break, there are discussions, Questions and Answers, enjoying each others' company, and much quaffing of ales or other pleasant beverages!
Moots finish around 10pm, though people can stay longer in the pub if they wish to, of course!
The annual "Pre-Yule Bazaar" every November, instead of the usual Speaker Moot, is a fun chance to buy and sell crafts, wares, skills and so on, remembering that Yule/ Christmas is just around the corner....!
YORK INTERFAITH GROUP: The Kith regularly liaises with the Interfaith Community, which meets monthly in YORK COUNCIL OFFICES. For several years, our "Pre-Yule Bazaar" has combined a talk for York Interfaith Week on Paganism, with our Bazaar.
SOCIAL MOOTS are a nice chance to catch up and wine and dine together! (perhaps from the comfort of your own home if online!) Our camps are organised at various Yorkshire venues in the warmer months, sometimes with other Pagan groups. We can enjoy being close to Nature, beautiful camp fires, and dealing with wet tents!
RITUALS: Our informal, relaxed Rituals incorporate varying aspects of the Divine and are to be respected as sacred occasions at which we can ground ourselves with spiritual practice. They are held in various locations, generally outdoors, and end with a grounding, joyous bring-and-share snack. Weather is (usually!) no obstacle to our endeavours!
HISTORY: The Kith was born around 2003 in The Black Swan, Peasholme Green, York, with an original team of organisers. Changes over the years saw us leave that venue and begin some years of "nomading", first to The Golden Fleece, then The Bay Horse and The Minster Inn in Marygate. In May 2018, we returned to our original Black Swan ("the cradle of our civilisation"!).
ORGANISATION: The Kith is organised by a friendly team of Admins, who aim for an inclusive, compassionate and comprehensive group. A set of Group Rules is in place for everyones' safety and protection, which all members are asked to read and respect. Members are welcome to post on the Facebook page, participate in events, and suggest ideas for them.
SPEAKER MOOTS: On the 2nd Monday of each month, the group meets upstairs in The Black Swan for "speaker moots" (short, informal talks from pre-arranged speakers, followed by discussions, Questions and Answers and socialising.)
Examples of Speaker moot topics have been:
Crystals; Grounding and Earthing;
Astrology; Energies;
Tarot; Samhain (Halloween) and the Ancestors;
Yule, history and folklore; The Magic of Water;
Spiritual and Personal Protection; The Goddess Brigantia;
Shamanism Past and Present; Herbs and Herb Wisdom;
Auras and Aura Photography; The Pagan Wheel of the Year;
Healing skills-shares; How to Improve Self-Knowledge;
Trees and Environmental Issues; The Pagan Federation;
The New Forest Witches;
..... and lots more!
Speaker Moots are preceded by Notices at 7.50pm, then at 8 all are invited to participate in the "Hearth Lighting", lighting a symbolic candle, wherever you are, to represent us all holding this sacred space together.
We may have a few opening words, eg a 'micro-teach', a prayer, a stilling, a poem or similar spiritual reflection, before the talk. After the talk and a bar break, there are discussions, Questions and Answers, enjoying each others' company, and much quaffing of ales or other pleasant beverages!
Moots finish around 10pm, though people can stay longer in the pub if they wish to, of course!
The annual "Pre-Yule Bazaar" every November, instead of the usual Speaker Moot, is a fun chance to buy and sell crafts, wares, skills and so on, remembering that Yule/ Christmas is just around the corner....!
YORK INTERFAITH GROUP: The Kith regularly liaises with the Interfaith Community, which meets monthly in YORK COUNCIL OFFICES. For several years, our "Pre-Yule Bazaar" has combined a talk for York Interfaith Week on Paganism, with our Bazaar.
SOCIAL MOOTS are a nice chance to catch up and wine and dine together! (perhaps from the comfort of your own home if online!) Our camps are organised at various Yorkshire venues in the warmer months, sometimes with other Pagan groups. We can enjoy being close to Nature, beautiful camp fires, and dealing with wet tents!
RITUALS: Our informal, relaxed Rituals incorporate varying aspects of the Divine and are to be respected as sacred occasions at which we can ground ourselves with spiritual practice. They are held in various locations, generally outdoors, and end with a grounding, joyous bring-and-share snack. Weather is (usually!) no obstacle to our endeavours!
Yorkshire version of Native American Talking Stick (photo: Jack Firminger)
WHAT IS A PAGAN? is a common question!
There are so many answers that it's hard to define this umbrella term! In brief: Paganism (capital P! to distinguish it from "pagan" (small p, meaning many pre-Christian, historical religions) is an increasingly popular, "modern" spiritual path (could be called a religion), often based on ancient religious traditions (as far as we can know about them.)
Some modern Pagans are inspired by ancient Celtic spirituality, including Druidism. Others worship the Heathen pantheon or the old Norse one (Viking.) Some connect with the ancient Egyptian pantheon, or with the goddesses Hekate, Brigantia, Baba Yaga and others. Some resonate with Native American spirituality; others follow the Wiccan way. Some use the term "witch" to describe themselves, others do not. Interest in the wisdom of all these spiritual practices has always been around, as long as humans have. But in recent decades more and more people are re-connecting with the ancient wisdoms that have been gifted to us.
One person is a healer, another was brought up a Christian, a third is Jewish, (a "Jewitch!") yet another leans also towards Buddhism. Some study Wicca, some favour different kinds of Shamanism. Some paint, some enthuse about trees; he meditates, she gives Tarot readings; many are interested in complementary therapies and healing. Here is wand-making, dress-making, gardening, sacred dance..... All seek the spiritual in the world around them.
There is no "one belief" in Pagan groups such as the Kith. Yet all who come together at our meetings find something Divine about Nature and the world around us. The expressions of this are as many as there are people who come to the Moot. Add your own understandings to the eclectic mix, and enjoy!
There are so many answers that it's hard to define this umbrella term! In brief: Paganism (capital P! to distinguish it from "pagan" (small p, meaning many pre-Christian, historical religions) is an increasingly popular, "modern" spiritual path (could be called a religion), often based on ancient religious traditions (as far as we can know about them.)
Some modern Pagans are inspired by ancient Celtic spirituality, including Druidism. Others worship the Heathen pantheon or the old Norse one (Viking.) Some connect with the ancient Egyptian pantheon, or with the goddesses Hekate, Brigantia, Baba Yaga and others. Some resonate with Native American spirituality; others follow the Wiccan way. Some use the term "witch" to describe themselves, others do not. Interest in the wisdom of all these spiritual practices has always been around, as long as humans have. But in recent decades more and more people are re-connecting with the ancient wisdoms that have been gifted to us.
One person is a healer, another was brought up a Christian, a third is Jewish, (a "Jewitch!") yet another leans also towards Buddhism. Some study Wicca, some favour different kinds of Shamanism. Some paint, some enthuse about trees; he meditates, she gives Tarot readings; many are interested in complementary therapies and healing. Here is wand-making, dress-making, gardening, sacred dance..... All seek the spiritual in the world around them.
There is no "one belief" in Pagan groups such as the Kith. Yet all who come together at our meetings find something Divine about Nature and the world around us. The expressions of this are as many as there are people who come to the Moot. Add your own understandings to the eclectic mix, and enjoy!