The Kith Moots are held on the 2nd Monday of each month in THE BLACK SWAN, Peasholme Green, York YO1 7PR, usually upstairs, gathering from 7.30pm for an 8.00 start.
Moot topics are usually "speaker" ones, with a short, informal talk followed by discussion and socialising. Sometimes they're just socials. They're usually in-person, but sometimes "hybrid" (in-person and on Zoom at the same time, which started during Covid). Occasionally moots are just on Zoom. Anyone's welcome to suggest or lead a moot, give talks, or organise events between moots, including rituals. Take part with an open heart; or you can simply watch!
Events are organised via the Facebook page, but there's also an email list for those not on Facebook.
We welcome all who bring positive energies into the Circle.

Our first ever Kith Summer Camp took place in July 2017! Thanks for organising all the camps, San Yates! Hurrah for camping!
Examples of past moots:
September 2012 at 8pm was "Ways of Remembering!" Demonstration and active participation in techniques to help us remember learning, poetry, stories and music. These techniques are linked to the Druidic Tradition of Ancient Britain.
August 2012: "The Pendle Witch Trials: A narrative play by Chrissie Haywood and performed by members of the Kith and the Phoenix Pagan groups. Please see "Archive" of this webite for more details of this beautifully-written and moving drama.
Our first ever Kith Summer Camp took place in July 2017! Thanks for organising all the camps, San Yates! Hurrah for camping!
Examples of past moots:
September 2012 at 8pm was "Ways of Remembering!" Demonstration and active participation in techniques to help us remember learning, poetry, stories and music. These techniques are linked to the Druidic Tradition of Ancient Britain.
August 2012: "The Pendle Witch Trials: A narrative play by Chrissie Haywood and performed by members of the Kith and the Phoenix Pagan groups. Please see "Archive" of this webite for more details of this beautifully-written and moving drama.